Irina and Byron and???I'm so bummed I cant' remember her name. She rocked.

Shizu taking a picture of Jess and Joy

Carolina Caycedo and Hugo Hopping

Camilo Cruz, Veronica Sanchez, Raflph Gorodetsky, Elias Serna and William Acedo

Vincent Ramos, Friend, and Carolyna Caycedo
Thanks for everyone who came to the opening, I feel like I got mad love and back up in this city. Sorry that the sound part was hard to hear, but when you got competition like Francisco Aguabello, who can compete? The installation will be open for view M-F, 11-5pm until September 26th. Please check for postings on this blog on project related announcements, events, documentation and musings...
Ashley. Her name is Ashley (although I haven't asked her about her artist name). Cool installation. Her and I really enjoyed it.